Case Study

Hate Crime

The University of Sydney
City of Sydney
Australian Hate Crime Network

Public service announcement Adshell billboard on a city street at night asking ‘WHEN IS HATE A CRIME?’ with a website ‘’ for information and support, highlighting case studies.

BrandUnity is proud to have partnered with the University of Sydney to develop, a comprehensive digital marketing solution designed to combat hate crimes.

We crafted a strategic campaign, website, and resources that educate, raise awareness and empower individuals and communities to take a stand against hate. The website is fully optimised for SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), ensuring that it reaches the widest possible audience, and our social media presence is an integral part of our outreach efforts.

Please note:

The website is temporarily offline. The primary stakeholder for the project, the Professor of Criminology, has retired and currently seeking support from the University of Sydney to continue the program remotely.



Hate crimes have been on the rise in recent years, but despite this, knowledge and understanding of the intersectionality between “hate” and “crime” is relatively unknown. This presents a major problem as many individuals may not be aware that the crimes they are experiencing are, in fact, hate crimes. They may not know what to do, who to tell, or who to trust.

This lack of understanding creates a challenge in tracking the broader knowledge of hate crimes, engaging multiple communities, and creating inclusive campaigns that can be adapted to different situations. Additionally, creating opportunities for further education beyond traditional methods, such as PDFs or flyers, is also a challenge.

Introduction is a comprehensive online resource developed by BrandUnity in partnership with the University of Sydney, and with the support of funding body, the City of Sydney.

Its mission is to combat hate crimes through education, awareness, and advocacy. The website provides information about when hate is a crime, where to find support, and how to take action. It features an array of valuable resources, including informative factsheets, a versatile community toolkit, and impactful awareness campaigns, with materials available in multiple languages.

Moreover, it provides concise, essential information tailored for victims of hate crimes, community leaders, organisations, and advocates, empowering them with knowledge and resources to create a more inclusive society.


To effectively address these challenges, the University of Sydney recognised the need for a customised and informed approach. They partnered with us at BrandUnity to conduct a series of community consultations with the Australian Hate Crime Network (AHCN). These consultations provided valuable insights into the distinct requirements of the community. With this information, BrandUnity facilitated a strategic workshop to map out a pathway for developing a website and campaign that would make a meaningful impact in the fight against hate crimes.

The strategy included several key components, including:

Globe with rings icon
Community Engagement

Through vital community consultations with the AHCN, we gained crucial insights into community needs and crafted a campaign designed to actively engage the community and inspire them to stand against hate crimes.

Locked box icon
Customer & Community Mapping

To effectively reach and engage the target audience, we conducted customer and community mapping to gain a deep understanding of the needs and preferences while identifying the most effective communication channels.

Digital advocacy against hate crimes featuring diverse individuals
Lightbulb in front of a web browser icon
Marketing Campaign

It encompasses the creative strategy, messaging, visual design, and execution plan for promoting the hate crime website & resources to the targetted audiences.

Pen in wreath icon
Information Architecture

An effective information architecture was developed to enhance user experience by enabling intuitive navigation, streamlined content organization, and increased accessibility.

Responsive design icon showing a desktop, tablet and mobile device
User Experience (UX) Design

To ensure that the website was easy to navigate and provided a positive user experience, BrandUnity created wireframes and prototypes to test and refine the website experience prior to design.

Hate crime Sydney University campaign - "Get Support" brochure
Rocket ship Icon

The team created a variety of resources such as infographics, videos, and guides that would be easily shareable, informative and available in multiple languages to cater for the diverse audiences.

Box in the centre of compass arrows icon
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

The SEO strategy allowed us to engage wider audiences through search engines, providing effortless access to information on hate crimes while improving overall visibility and user experience.

Online Accessibility

We implemented accessibility standards like WCAG 2.0 to make the website fully accessible, catering to all users, including those with disabilities, and ensuring an inclusive experience for everyone.

Pen in wreath icon
KPI Dashboard

We implemented a KPI dashboard, allowing clients to effortlessly monitor website performance and stay informed about key metrics, ensuring optimal decision-making and results.

A desktop computer showing an analytics dashboard alongside a mobile phone displaying a website


The website centres around three pillars of awareness, support, and take action.

In the awareness section, users can learn about the different types of hate, like what’s a hate crime, a hate incident, vilification, hate speech or discrimination. Understand their rights through law and legal definitions, as well as support for bystanders seeking assistance. There is data on hate crime, hate incidents, and abuse experienced by targeted communities in Australia as well as stories of hate and what users can do as a bystander.

The support content provides actionable next steps, lists support services and a has search/filter support directory that links users with organisations that provide general and community-specific support.

Under take action, users can learn about different ways to respond to hate, including what government, human rights and community organisations they can report it too. There is detailed information available on what users can report, how to report, support available and what to expect from each organisation.

User expereince wireframe designs
Hate crime user experience wireframes
University of Sydney logo
I also wanted to say a huge ‘thank you’ to you all. The campaign concept, visuals, messages, content, networks and functionality etc are awesome. What we have produced has exceeded all of my expectations. What an amazing journey it’s been. It’s been a privilege working with such a talented team and I’m looking forward to the next stages!
Prof. Gail Mason
Professor of Criminology,
Sydney Law School, University of Sydney


The Hatecrime website, developed in collaboration with vulnerable communities, government agencies, and community organisations, offers targeted information and resources for hate crime victims, community leaders, and advocates.

With funding from the City of Sydney and partnerships with the University of Sydney and the Australian Hate Crime Network, the website equips individuals and communities with vital information and support to combat hate. By promoting education, awareness, and advocacy, strives to foster a more inclusive and equitable society for all.